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When you hear the word, “truss”, it conjures images of support, strength, and stability. Ironic.

When you take two correct things and smash them together to make complete cobblers…

Don’t bank with I’ve been trying to not bank with them for years but each time I zero my account and try to close it they apply more spurious charges. And their support sucks. Anyone got an email address I can use to contact them?

Don’t bank with I’ve been trying to not bank with them for years but each time I zero my account and try to close it they apply more spurious charges. And their support sucks. Anyone got an email address I can use to contact them?

I don’t know what I was expecting but the She & Him Beach Boys covers are really bad. Really, really bad. I don’t think the production helps much. The mix on Darlin’ is all over the place.

⁦⁩ This isn’t a car park. It’s part of Boacombe Cliff Gardens. Accessible only by private road. (Cc ⁦⁩)

Plenty of illegal and dangerous parking here in today. Let’s hope are on the case.

I and is on the money here. However, what this article fails to mention is how often it's doing the kicking.

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift is actually quite good.

Are we really going to play “who’s the best tory” again? The answer is “none of them”.

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