It would be even better if I could transfer tabs, history, and bookmarks between browsers too.

Shitty spun content is shitty spun content, whichever AI or sweatshops you use to create it.

Nice to be told that your is having a direct impact on sales. Take that, doubters.

The products pictured contain nicotine which is a highly-addictive substance. 

Tell me, what’s your flavour?

No matter how much bullshit I mute, more bullshit steps into the frame. At this rate, I’ll end up muting the whole world.

GB News articles appearing in ads made to look like native articles on your local news provider’s website.

Sometimes you see a clickbait ad that makes you wonder. In this case, I wonder what the foil is for. Not enough to click through, obviously. Some things are just meant to remain a mystery.

No, she was offended because he is right. Imagine the generational trauma that this will cause. Ring any bells?

We live in a bizarre world. Imagine being a bully, being told by others that you’re a bully, being investigated for being a bully, and yet not admitting to being a bully unless an inquiry agrees that you are a bully.

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Great to meet new people, toot, and have some fun.