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Dear Government, please stop trying to invade our online privacy and instead, please try to protect it like they are doing in the EU. Thanks.

The all-terrain e-bike is the midlife crisis red sports car of the 2020s.

According to an ad I just saw, you can remove ads on your iPhone by prodding the screw next to the lightning socket with a cocktail stick. Ain’t technology great?

No matter how much bullshit I mute, more bullshit steps into the frame. At this rate, I’ll end up muting the whole world.

I don’t think is going to work for me. If I’m doing anything interesting, I’m not looking at my phone and not seeing the notification.

Borrow Box is great at showing you all the things you can’t have because someone else is borrowing them already.

If the Steve Aoki remix of Fun, Fun, Fun, by the Beach Boys tells me anything, it’s that Steve needs to step away from the mixing desk.

GB News articles appearing in ads made to look like native articles on your local news provider’s website.

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Great to meet new people, toot, and have some fun.