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I have reached a bit of Will MacAskill ‘What We Owe The Future’ where he sets out the idea of choosing one’s career around longtermist principles.

It is…quite something, particularly in this economy.

Off the top of my head:

Cost of living?
Cost of education


Still working? Take a break to read our new guest blog by author Andrew Lownie detailing the long, painful and very expensive fight to get the Broadlands archive (bought with tax payer's money) to be available to all researchers.


RT Andor had three of the best monologues of the year. Two of them were in the same episode.

God damn, what a great show that was



Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, an adaptation of the John le Carré novel about retired spy George Smiley, concludes tonight on BBC Four at 9:55pm. You can catch up with the whole series on



favorite tumblr post I've reblogged in a while

(painting attached in next tweet, strongly recommend reading the text first)


I think all the Green Ringed Parakeets in south west London have gathered in this tree in Wandsworth for their AGM. (sound on)

This is not my area at all so I can’t really say, but this paper seems to me to be making a hell of a lot of assumptions.


The link from Henry VIII to the Industrial Revolution. The monasteries dissolved in 1536 had no feudal lords, so the farmers that occupied them became the gentry who led to innovation & reform

More monasteries in an area= more factories 3 centuries later.


26 books read this year (plus the one I’m currently reading), which is not a bad number.

I worry about how little of the longer history books has actually lodged in my brain though.

A binliner of old T shirts with notionally sentimental value is making its final journey from the loft to the textile recycling bin.

This is from 1993.

Sorry the book is actually called What We Owe The Future - longtermism is the idea that it’s advancing.

Here’s the full paragraph that I found revealingly wrong:

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Busman’s (or archivist’s) holiday as I’ve been asked to do some appraisal and boxlisting.

I asked for a moratorium on books as presents this year as I have such a backlog, but made an exception for these.


Horrendous news for Afghan women and girls. The Taliban have announced the closure of universities for women in Afghanistan, according to a letter by the higher education minister. It is expected to take effect immediately


So this is what free speech maximalism looks like.


This is wild stuff. Graham is absolutely the most blah tech bro and all he did was say he would move to Mastodon. Didn’t even post a link. This is a total embarrassing meltdown by Musk and his defenders look like total mugs


What does Twitter have against obsolete forms of telecommunications?


Why is searching "Telegram" is considered an invalid search query?

This does not look like an outage, but Twitter selectively banning certain search terms. Although I fail to see why they want to ban Telegram from being searched for?


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Great to meet new people, toot, and have some fun.