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Here's a brilliant neologism: "slop", for text generated entirely by LLMs and published, unwanted, on the Internet

> Watching in real time as "slop" becomes a term of art. the way that "spam" became the term for unwanted emails, "slop" is going in the dictionary as the term for unwanted AI generated content


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User: you charge me when people make unauthorised requests to an S3 bucket?

AWS: yes of course

User: but

AWS: working as intended

User: but

AWS: thank you for your money

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Public Warning

Do not... ever use POP Telecom

They are useless, liars and will try any underhand trick to get your business.

Sadly, they are also being promoted by #MartinLewis and the #MoneySavingExpert site

After attempting to switch to them... I was bombarded with calls and txts to a mobile number they were implicitly told I didn't want to give them, that I objected out of ALL marketing/sales contact and that they MUST only use a landline.

So I cancelled within the cooling off period

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Kicking up a stink about Amazon's failure to deliver a £700 iPhone to me (and then refusing to refund/replace) has - I'm delighted to say - resulted in the money being returned to me today. 🥳

What I've learnt:

★ Exploiting social media and video to complain can get the attention of AmazonUK's PR team

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This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I don't know about you, but it absolutely cracks me up.

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"A normal data centre needs 32 megawatts of power flowing into the building. For an AI data centre it's 80 megawatts. You have five time more cabling required for AI
Future data centres may have built-in nuclear reactors, Michael Dempsey, BBC, 2024

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20MPH, Wales and the Tories

While half of Private Eye does not interest me, the subscription is worth every penny for snippets like these. The Tory connection to a campaign to prevent Wales implementing the 20MPH urban speed limits.

#Wales #ToryCorruption #Cycling #Walking #20MPH #Speedlimits

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I guess this stuff is plenty obscure, huh?

So, folks, there's a new browser engine dropped (a while ago, actually). It isn't based on WebKit and it isn't based on Firefox, it is written from scratch for a hobbyist operating system SerenityOS by some awesome/crazy people. The browser, called Ladybird, actually can be compiled for Windows, Linux, Mac, OpenIndiana and Android.

It can pass Acid3 and render Github page well (note that Firefox and Chrome circa 2018 cannot do that!), and it has decent JS and afaik wasm support.

Their site is

I am not related to the project in any way, just amazed that it exist, and I think it deserves more love and publicity. And optimizations for low-end computers. And privacy features. And so on!

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Great to meet new people, toot, and have some fun.